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Sex Guides

Ah, weed lube. Who wouldn’t be intrigued by the promise of better orgasms?

I’ve spent the last seven years developing the Lioness Smart Vibrator, which uses biofeedback technology, precision sensors, and data to track orgasms. Of that time, I’ve spent three of those years conducting different projects studying the effects of cannabis on sexual function. Naturally, those two passions intersected into exploring how all sorts of cannabis strains and products can affect pleasure, both with myself and with different people.

That’s why I’m excited to share with you today a review of one of my favorite cannabis lubricants, Quim’s Oh Yes Latex-safe Serum. I’ll share my orgasm data to show what made this different compared to everything else I’ve tried.

  • 4 min read

You might have come across an article on the internet about cannabis-infused lubes and cbd lubes (including our own review) and are wondering... is this for real? Will weed lube make me high? Where do I find it? What's the difference between weed and CBD lube? And is cannabis lube safe to use in vaginas, or anuses... or any orifice, for that matter?

Here's our comprehensive guide on weed lube — answering all your questions as well as sharing other things you may have not thought of before taking your trip down Pleasure Boulevard.

  • 9 min read

We have a pretty unique ability to test how well things work for sex. We can use the Lioness Smart Vibrator, biofeedback, and data to measure some of the potential effects of CBD lube and THC lube on arousal and orgasm.

We've done a lot of research on some of the differences between available lubes on the market so you don't have to try them all (it may be fun, but from personal experience, it takes a long time!).

Before you go out and buy something, there are a few important considerations you might not expect before getting your own CBD lube.

  • 9 min read

When I first heard about the dosist pens and that they made some specifically for sexy times, the first thought I had was "which one is the best for sex?" That's because I've ended up inadvertently becoming a reviewer of different cannabis products, using my Lioness smart vibrator to see data (paired with subjective opinion) to compare my experiences. It's been quite the rollercoaster, but a very fun one.

  • 6 min read

At first I reached for dosist’s arouse pen as a distraction. I had been apart from my girlfriend for a time (not long enough to gain sympathy) and was annoyed at how much I was missing her when I could have just been sleeping... or doing something else. So I partook in one of my favorite pastimes: getting high and getting off. And this time I had a new toy to try that had some pretty lofty claims...

  • 4 min read

You may have heard some of the recent stories in the news about how cannabis can improve sex and pleasure and you're ready to try some of the green plant. But if you haven't tried it before — or you have and haven't used cannabis in a very long time — and you might have some reservations. As someone who's a late bloomer herself with cannabis, I'll give you the lowdown on how to get started so you can be well prepared if you decide to try it out for yourself.

  • 6 min read

Since our first article on cannabis and orgasms, we’ve gotten a lot more questions about how cannabis affects sex and orgasms. Something that surprised me was that even some regular cannabis users did not pay much attention to the differences between indica, sativa, and hybrids. There are thousands of varieties of cannabis plants out there that can produce different effects for different people. We wanted to take a peek at the potential of some of the differences.

  • 7 min read

Hi friends. A few weeks ago, I wrote about the best and longest orgasm I ever had using the weed lube, Foria Pleasure, and our Lioness smart vibrator.  Since then, I’ve gotten a lot of questions about Foria’s non-THC counterpart lube, Foria Awaken, since the THC version is only available in certain states and some people can’t risk THC entering their bloodstream. Well, I too was curious about the magic of CBD lube especially with all the CBD craze going. The conclusion? I tried the THC-free CBD lube and it saved my orgasms. Let me explain.

"I had my doubts and honestly rolled my eyes at some of the Foria Pleasure reviews mentioning “euphoria” and “life-changer”...but then I tried it. Holy balls, people. I have to spread the good word...about the BEST AND LONGEST ORGASM I’VE EVER HAD."
  • 7 min read

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